Greetings and Welcome
Welcome to ORBITGRAVE.COM; I am “Professor” the admin of this site if you are looking for my blog click on the icon below or here.
The Idea of giving Rex his own site came to me, since I wanted to basically create a site which would hold an archive of some old memories and new thoughts related to MMOs and Online Worlds.
I’ll also sometimes talk about Tech that doesn’t fit into my primary blog.

What I’m Working On?
Who’s Orbitgrave?

Rex Orbitgrave [Orbit-Grave] is a character persona I created for Sci-Fi MMORPGS [massively multiplayer online role-playing games]
The Image used for the Orbitgrave comes from EVE Online while the name was meant to be a throwback to old sci-fi comics and serials from days gone by with just a pinch of the old 1970/1980 era of “Heavy Metal” magazine
I currently mostly focus on the MMORPG EVE Online a 2003 title from the Icelandic studio CCP (Crowd Control Productions) Games; I have a history of playing EVE Online on and off starting in 2014.

Orbitgrave styled “Bob” Head with Umineko Pipe created for SlackWare related project